Basic in photography lighting

As a beginner in photography, you may suffer a time that you can't shoot a good photo, no matter you try. The photos are just bad, and you don't know why. Well, if you don't think about light yet, it may be the reason why. 

So let me explain a very short and brief about photography lighting. As we are all lazy men, I will not take much of your time.

Light source casts light directly to the subject

This kind of light is intensive, creates flat images, and doesn't emphasize object outline.


The sun cast directly to the models

Light source casts cross-light to the subject

This kind of light greatly emphasizes the subject's outline. It is very good for portrait photograph. 

The sun casts cross light to the face of the model

Light source casts light to the side of the subject

This kind of light emphasizes the subject's outline in the greatest way. It also highlights materials like fabric, wood, wool...  


The sun casts light to the side of the model

Light source casts light to the back of the subject 

This is very good for lake and grass photograph. It will make water look gorgeous and emphasize every detail of grass. So the next time you take your gear and photograph some lake or grass base, just face the sun and your image should be beautiful.
This kind of light also good for portrait.


The camera pointed directly to the sun to create a strong effect


This kind of light is good for foliage


It is also good for portrait, as the model glows brightly in the sun


Light source casts light to the top of the subject

This kind of light emphasizes almost every ugly aspects of people. Police use it in taking pictures of suspects. Movies use it for bad guys. So if you want an evil picture of someone, please feel free to use this kind of light. 



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